Monday, March 19, 2012

Beauty Noir: A Late Winter Storm in the Desert

We didn't get 1-6 inches of snow.  We didn't even get 1/4 inch of snow.  What we did get was a sugary dusting on the cactus and ground.  We also got some sleet and lots of rain.   The mix of sun and dark, moisture-laden clouds offered an ever-changing drama in the sky.  The day was quite lovely, in a beauty noir sort of way.  The sun found ways to sneak some rays over the desert, but not for long.  Especially not long enough to warm us up.  Keith drove Acadia to the vet's for a routine exam, and told me the car thermometer read only as high as 39 degree F.  As the day progressed, the clouds billowed and blotted out any blue of the heavens.  Misty gray fingers of rain reached toward the ground.  Some of the rain found the desert floor while some hung as slate-colored virga.  The winter storm languidly stretched itself across the horizon as if ready for a nap, and sunk slowly toward earth.  The mists and fog cleared, leaving a trail of virgin snow on mountain summits, and patches of azure sky.  By sundown, the final act was done.  Winter began retreating.  Spring now reigned. 

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