Thursday, April 5, 2012

Wildlife in My Backyard #2

Fall visitors to our backyard include two species of nectar feeding bats.

Scaled quail feed alongside our Gambel's quail.
Here's a look at some of the other wildlife that has paid us a visit.  As noted in my earlier post about wildlife, several of these creatures are regulars.  Several others, however, drop-in at specific times of the year.  For example, we see migrating birds in spring; many use our home as a rest stop on their long journey north.  Lazuli bunting, yellow-rumped warbler, black-headed grosbeaks, orioles, and lark bunting have all graced us with a visit.  In summer, frogs, toads, scorpions, desert centipede, and tarantula are driven from their underground homes by the monsoon rains.  In fall, we savor the opportunity to watch nectar-feeding bats at our hummingbird feeders.

Black-headed grosbeak in one of our desert willows.

Scott's oriole browses a blue mist flower plant.

This hooded oriole loved our hummingbird feeders.

A western pipistrelle visited us one stormy night.

Giant desert centepede.  My own hand is used for scale.
These things are poisonous and will bite.  No worry from this one, though;
I found him dead. 

Couch's spadefoot keeping cool.

Desert spiny lizard exploring our fence.  He is beautifully colored in green, black, and yellow.

Great horned owl watches for dinner from our neighbor's chimney.

This tarantula greeted me one morning at the front door.

The white-winged doves arrive in April and migrate south again by November.

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