Saturday, February 9, 2013

Orko Snow and Wuertz Gourds

Orko's gift to the Sonoran Desert.

February 9 dawned with about six inches of snow on the ground courtesy of Storm Orko.  It was a beautiful something out of a western Currier and Ives illustration.  By 12:00 p.m. most of the snow was gone.  It never stuck to the roads here; they were simply too warm.  Yesterday's high, after all, was 70 degrees.  What a change!  We've got 50 degree weather for the next few days and then we'll warm up again.  Yea!

The Weather Channel made me shiver as we watched reports from Boston, MA, and Portland, ME, areas that were casualties of Storm Nemo.  We don't need to worry about finding Nemo, it found the entire northeast coast!  Some spots were reporting over three feet of snow with seven foot drifts and local authorities had banned travel.  Over 4,000 flights had been canceled.  It will take days to sort out all of the mayhem created by this fierce blizzard.

Gourds of all shapes and sizes lure enthusiasts at the Wuertz Farm
Gourd Show held every February near Casa Grande, AZ.

Gourd lamp.
In the meantime, Orko has moved on toward the Plains States and promises to bring at least a foot of snow to the Dakotas and Minnesota.  These states need the precipitation, but just not all at once!

On a lighter note, Keith and I, and Dean and Elaine recently checked out the Wuertz Farm's annual gourd festival near Casa Grande, AZ.  There was an astonishing array of intricately sculpted gourds--some had been made into purses, some into masks, and others were lampshades.  I purchased a few raw gourds that I'm looking forward to carving.  We were surprised to see so many people in attendance, especially since we visited the show on a Friday.  License plates in the parking lot ranged from Maryland to New York and Saskatchewan to Alberta.  Gourd lovers gourd-lore!

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