Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Bloomin' Hedgehogs

One of the first cactus to bloom in the Sonoran Desert is the hedgehog or echinocereus.  This small, cylindrical cactus is armed with long, sharp spines that reminded early settlers of hedgehog bristles ("echinos" is derived from the Greek word for "hedgehog").  The cactus grows in clumps, with stems (or cylinders) rising as high as a foot and measuring about two inches in diameter.  Depending on the species, the flower color varies from red to purple.  Some Native Americans will burn off the flower stem spines, mash them, add sugar, and bake them in sweet cakes. 

My favorite echinocereus is the strawberry hedgehog; there are several growing wild on our lot.  The strawberry hedgehog's flowers are a gorgeous, warm pink, and they stay open all day and night.  Today, I saw my first blooming strawberry hedgehog of the season, and this particular plant had an unusual number of open flowers.  It is simply stunning.

Strawberry hedgehog cactus in bloom.

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